February Trail Spotlight: Warren Creek Trail

2023 is Year of the Trail in the Great Trails State, but how did we settle on North Carolina as “The Great Trails State” anyways? As with most anything, there is a bit of historical significance behind it all. From the coast to the mountains, North Carolina stretches about 500 miles, east to west, and about a third of that distance north to south at the widest point. Over a hundred years ago, when people started traveling by car, the roads were absolutely terrible – it takes some imagination to fully understand this, but the roads of those days are nothing at all like the roads we imagine now and even the most pot-hole filled, rutted out gravel road one could find would be an interstate compared to back then. In fact, the roads in NC were the worst in the entire country at that point. Travel was treacherous. Cars struggled to get anywhere efficiently and effectively, often getting stuck in mud or winding up on roads that didn’t really offer a smooth connection to anywhere else as ...