Reclaim It To Maintain It

Like many maintenance departments, Durham’s Park Maintenance Unit in North Carolina is a route-driven organization with mowing, cleanup, landscaping, and facility maintenance teams all visiting parks on a specific schedule.

While crews regularly visit all of the parks, maintenance disciplines have different frequencies, so it never happens that all crews are at the same park at the same time. However, on June 15, all teams “converged” on Burton Park for a day-long maintenance exercise designed to dramatically improve the appearance of the park; this exercise was called the “Park Convergence.” Burton Park is a 10-acre park in a high-density residential area. For a variety of reasons, including high use, size, and location, the condition of many of the park’s amenities had been declining over the last several years.

Read the full article by Robert Jennings in Parks & Rec Business (PRB) Magazine.
