Play With Me: Art [Part 1]

By: Shannon Mallery, Program Assistant Sr. - Mature Adults

This week will start our Play With Me: Art series! Making art and being creative is fun for all ages, and especially fun when done together. July is Parks and Recreation month in celebration we will focus our art making on things found in nature.

These activities are designed for children between 2 and 5 years old. Before getting started, parental assistance will be needed to help collect and setup supplies. Consider sending the supply list ahead of time so the parent can prepare in advance.

  • Print the Background Sheet and Cut Out Sheet
  • Markers, crayons and colored pencils
  • Scissors (age appropriate)
  • Glue
  • Leaves, twigs, pine needles etc. from outside
Let’s Play
  • You can both color your sheets at the same time.
  • Once you have finished coloring the sheets cut out the items on the cut out sheet. 
  • Glue the things from the cutout sheet onto the background sheet (use only the ones you want). 
  • Try gluing only part of the cutouts down so that the images appear 3D.
  • Add leaves, twigs etc. by gluing to enhance the look of your background.
  • The dark lines around the images on the cutting sheet are cutting lines. 
As you work on the sheets you can talk about what you are doing:
  • Remember color choices can be natural and imaginary for you and your child.
  • Encourage and compliment their cutting skills.
  • Ask them about their creatures and where they live- They may have a very interesting narrative to share.
  • Ask your child if they have seen any of the things that they are coloring in the wild, ask if they would like to.
  • Ask what they think the things would look like very close up, what they think that they would feel like.
Make it easier!
For an easier version of this activity you can simply color the sheets.

Up for a challenge?
Take a look at the picture to the right and see if you can guess how many twigs are in the jar. You and your child can discuss this together and you can agree on one number or you can both guess. The answer will be posted next week along with a secret message.

Thanks for participating and we hope you are able to have meaningful virtual interactions with the loved ones in your life as you enjoy Parks and Recreation month.

Stay tuned for another blog post next week that continues the Play With Me: Art series! Have fun and remember to Play More with DPR!
