Play With Me: Ages 6-9 Art [Part 1]

By: Shannon Mallery, Program Assistant Sr. - Mature Adults

We are starting our Play With Me Series for children 6-9! This series will continue to provide you with meaningful activities to do with the children in your life. Over the next 14 weeks the Play With Me series will cover art, family, games and books. All of the activities are prepared specifically with the 6-9 age group in mind.

The first three weeks of Play With Me: Ages 6-9 series will focus on Art!

Before getting started, adult assistance will be needed to help collect and setup supplies. Consider sending the supply list ahead of time so the adult can prepare in advance.

Paper Pets Dress-up
Print and cut out your cat and guinea pig and their clothing and accessories. You will each color your own animal and clothing etc.. Fill in the clothing with patterns and pictures. Personalize them with your favorite colors and things you like. Perhaps you really like windmills, draw one on the cat's sweater for instance and tell your child why you like windmills. Ask them to draw some of their favorite things and tell you about them. This is a good way to have fun together and get to know more about each other.

As you work on the print out sheets together, talk about what you are doing:
  • Remember color choices can be natural and imaginary.
  • Encourage and compliment your child's drawing, cutting and gluing skills.
  • You can add glitter, sequins and scraps of fabric to your cut- out pet if you have them.
  • Add personal touches such as your name or a favorite story title on the cup and book accessories.
  • Use the blank patches to draw in things you like- i.e. insects or candy and then glue them to the cut- out pet's clothing.
  • To make your cut - out pet more sturdy glue them to a paperboard box before cutting them out.
Fruit Bowl
On your plain paper you and your child will each draw your own fruit bowl with fruit in it. Each person should keep their drawing hidden from the other until they are both done. Draw the bowl first. Then draw in one piece of fruit at a time each taking turns at choosing what fruit you will both draw next. 

At the end show each other your drawings and have fun noticing the differences in each drawing. Make sure to add details like a design on the bowl, dimples on the oranges and stems on the grapes. You can even suggest things like an apple with a worm in it or a half peeled banana. Just have fun! 

Stay tuned for another blog post next week that continues the Play With Me: Art series! Stay artsy and remember to Play More with DPR!
